On November 15, the book exhibition “Okyrman Ult” was held at the TURAN library with the participation of leading Kazakh publishing houses.

Our speakers:

  • Berik Kosherbekuly – journalist, TV and radio presenter
  • Sanjar Kerimbay – founder of the project “Otbasy Khrestomatiyasy”, orientalist, author of the books “Beisen zhane bolmys”, “Omirge gashyk bolu”, “Orkenietti Adam”, “Kuyskeude”

The exhibition featured books from the following publishing houses:

  • Отбасы Хрестоматиясы
  • Mazmundama
  • Qasym Kitaphanasy
  • Qazyna
  • KitapAL
  • MARFUbook
  • Steppe&World Publishing
  • QyrBalasy
  • OljaPeak
  • Ziyat
The admissions committee