Online scientific seminar “Protection of intellectual property in the field of it” for teachers and students of the Information Systems

As part of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (9 – Creation of sustainable infrastructure, promotion of inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation), an online scientific seminar on the topic “Protection of intellectual property in the field of IT” was held at Turan University on October 23, 2023.


Invited speaker – Yeskendirova Damelya Maksutovna, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of the Department “Cybersecurity” of the International University of Information Technologies, participant of the Summer School on Intellectual Property (certificate of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva). At the seminar, Damelya Maksutovna shared with teachers and students of the Department of Information Technology the features of intellectual property protection in the IT field, told about what can be filed for a patent and what is the object of copyright. Ismailova Rauza Toltayevna, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Information Technology at Turan University, also spoke at the seminar, who spoke about the algorithm for submitting a program for an author’s certificate.


Moderator of the seminar – Kim Ekaterina Romanovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Information Technology” of the University “Turan”.

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