Guest lecture “How and where to find an idea for a startup?” for students of the EP “Information systems”

On October 26, a guest lecture was held in the 506 auditorium for 2nd-year students of the Information Systems OP on the topic “How and where to find an idea for a startup”.


The Director of the Magneri games mobile game development company, Tungatarov Rustam Maratovich, addressed the students.


During the lecture, Rustam Maratovich shared with the guys his experience of building a business, told them where to look for ideas for startups, what to do with them next and what the creation of a startup is based on. He paid special attention to the issues of thinking and environment that affect the success of a startup.


The organizer of the lecture is Yekaterina Romanovna Kim, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology at Turan University.

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