Kussainov Mukhamedali, a graduate student at Turan University, achieved outstanding success at the “Summer university – 2023”

Within the framework of the significant educational project “Summer University – 2023”, held from July 10 to 23, 2023, a second-year undergraduate student of the scientific and pedagogical direction of the educational program “Information Systems”, Kussainov Mukhamedali represented Turan University and the Republic of Kazakhstan in one of the higher educational institutions, in large research and the educational center in the Russian Federation, as well as the largest university in the eastern part of Russia – Siberian Federal University.


“The Summer University 2023” project, organized by leading Russian universities under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, covered educational, project, cultural and leisure blocks.


Mukhamedali took an active part in intensive educational programs, including lectures with leading speakers and the developing of future skills through workshops and trainings. Within the framework of the project block “Accelerator of Social Design”, Mukhamedali’s team project “TRS (Tourist Route System) Salem Tourist” deservedly took first place among the projects of the faculty “Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals of SibFU” and won the final in the nomination “Consistency and elaboration of the idea”. The project, which took the first place in the final, received the main prize – financing and assistance in implementation. Mukhamedali was awarded a certificate-diploma with the possibility of crediting academic hours and a certificate of participation in the project.


He also enriched his experience by visiting the “Krasnoyarsk Pillars” National Park, known for its unique natural formations and significance in the culture and ecology of the region. Additionally, his visit to the “Krastsvetmet” plant provided an opportunity to learn about the extraction and processing of non-ferrous metals, as well as to get acquainted with and hold in his hands real bars of pure gold of 999.9 samples.


This project highlighted the importance of international educational and cultural exchange, providing participants unique opportunities for the professional and personal growth.


Participation in the “Summer University – 2023” allowed Mukhamedali to gain not only valuable knowledge and skills, but also to establish new professional connections. Such international educational initiatives, especially those offered absolutely free of charge, open up broad prospects for the developing of young talents and contribute to strengthening international cooperation in the field of education and science.

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