Opening ceremony of the innovative coworking hub of Turan University

The opening ceremony of an innovative coworking hub for the development of scientific and entrepreneurial excellence was held at Turan University.


The university consistently positions itself as a center of scientific and innovative initiatives, creating a dynamic environment for the exchange of ideas and the search for optimal solutions in the field of science and business. The coworking hub represents an important milestone in the university’s commitment to foster collaboration, creativity and entrepreneurship.


The coworking hub is designed as a collaboration ecosystem where professionals, researchers and entrepreneurs can converge to find optimal solutions for the current state and future development of science and business.


The coworking center includes various coworking areas, each of which is designed to facilitate the development and commercialization of scientific results and innovations, including:


  • Center for Commercialization of Scientific Results and Innovations: a dedicated space for translating research results into practical applications for commercialization.
  • “Civilization Turan” International Research Center: focused on joint international research initiatives and the development of global partnerships.
  • Business incubator: supporting the growth and development of startups with the necessary resources and mentoring.
  •  “Siber Koza” Center for Innovation and Incubation: a center for promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in accordance with global trends.
  • Turan Cinema and Art Center: a creative space where art and technology intersect, creating a vibrant cultural environment.
  • E-LEARNING TURAN: A center for digital education promoting innovative approaches to learning and skill development.
  • ENACTUS “Turan”: A platform for students to use entrepreneurship for a positive impact on society.
  • Media Lab: a collaborative space for media professionals and researchers to explore new frontiers in the field of media and communication.


Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Committee on Social and Cultural Development Askhat Aimagambetov took part in the opening of an innovative co-working hub at Turan University.


During the opening ceremony, Askhat Aimagambetov noted: “The direction of the university is student-centralized education. We must prepare qualified personnel, this very model is being implemented at Turan University, everything is done to ensure that the student receives a good and high-quality education and enters the labor market.”


Also, the opening ceremony of the International Research Center “Civilization Turan” was attended by consuls and the diplomatic corps of 15 countries.

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