Career guidance of the Tourism and Service Department

On 10 January 2024 the faculty of the department “Tourism and Service” conducted career guidance work among high school students in the physical and mathematical lyceum № 178, in general education school № 19, school-gymnasium № 118 and in Almaty College of Service. The winners of the competition “Boundless Kazakhstan” among students of schools (10-12 classes), colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was held at the University “Turan” 22-28 December 2023, were awarded.


During the meeting they presented information about bachelor’s degree programmes of the department – 6B11101 “Tourism”, 6B11102 “Restaurant and Hotel Business”, 6B11103 “Tourism and Hospitality Innovation Management”.


Schoolchildren took the information with great interest and asked a lot of questions, to which they received comprehensive answers. Many of them noted that thanks to career guidance work will consider the university “Turan” for admission in the future.

Online admissions