Debate among schoolchildren on the topic “Rights And Responsibilities of minors”

On February 18, 2024, the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law of Turan University organized a debate among schoolchildren in Almaty on the topic “RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MINORS.”


Purpose of the debate:

  • Access to quality education, which has become one of the sustainable development goals created by the UN;
  • training qualified specialists in the future by improving scientific training;
  • increasing the level of legal knowledge of participants;
  • increasing the scientific activity of participants;
  • increasing the legal literacy of minors;
  • increasing the level of legal awareness and legal culture of minors, information exchange.


Debate participants:

  • School “KursAnt”
  • Secondary school named after V. G. Belinsky
  • Secondary school of Shamalgan district
  • Republican school for gifted children named after Abai
  • Specialized school-lyceum №178.
Online admissions