Zangar Boztaev, CEO of Genesis CSP, Met with Marketers to Discuss the Future of YouTube

Last week on February 21, 2024, a marketers’ meetup with Zangar Boztaev, CEO of Genesis CSP company, shed light on the perspectives and strategies regarding one of the most influential platforms in the world — YouTube.


The topic of the meeting, “YouTube: What’s Happening with the Platform?” became a focal point for many marketers who attentively listened to Zangar’s insights into YouTube’s growth plans, as well as had talks about the challenges and advantages of being present on this platform.


Key aspects discussed during the meeting included:


  1. YouTube for PR and Performance Marketing Purposes. Participants discussed the opportunities of using YouTube in various marketing strategies, including PR and performance marketing.
  2. Case Studies. Diverse case studies of utilizing YouTube in different segments such as B2C, B2B, B2G, in industries like automotive, IT, industry, and education were presented.
  3. Rules of Engagement with YouTube. Zangar shared his experience and knowledge on effectively engaging with the YouTube platform while adhering to its rules and recommendations.
  4. How Genesis CSP Can Help? The participants received insights into how Genesis CSP company can assist them in leveraging YouTube to achieve their marketing goals.


In conclusion of the meeting, Zangar presented an effective formula for video marketing on YouTube, as well as shared a step-by-step action plan for achieving success on this platform. He also provided valuable advice on preparing video content.


Meeting attendees, representing SMEs, expressed their enthusiasm for the information received and thanked Zangar for the valuable insights and perspectives gained from the meeting.


We thank all the participants and the speaker for their active participation in the event and look forward to hosting more meetings and events! Follow the Kazakhstan Marketing Association on their Facebook page for updates!🚀🌐

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