Student of the educational program “Information systems” at the hackathon Design Battle

On February 19-25, 2024, a 3rd-year student of the educational program “Information Systems” Yerkimbekov Inkar took part in the hackathon “DESIGN BATTLE”, organized by JSC “IITU” with the support of famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Kenes Khamitovich Rakishev and the Sabi Charitable Foundation.


“DESIGN BATTLE” is the country’s largest hackathon for graphic and UI/UX designers with a prize fund of 2,000,000 tenge. The hackathon “DESIGN BATTLE” was held in connection with the initiative to promote Kazakh culture and identity through modern design solutions.


Inkar Yerkimbekov, together with the team, developed the design of the Kazakh GO mobile application for learning the Kazakh language. The mobile app will contain interactive lessons recorded by professionals in the field of teaching the Kazakh language, audio and video materials that will help you better understand pronunciation and reproduce it. Interactive exercises of the mobile application will make the learning process exciting and memorable.


And although Inkar Yerkimbekov’s team did not take the prize, they received an offer to create designs from two companies.

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