Foreign scientific internship of PhD students in Turkey

In the spring semester of 2023-2024 academic year, from February 26 to March 26, three doctoral students of the “Finance” educational program passed the internship at the Çankaya University, one doctoral student of the «Management» educational program – at the Yeditepe University.


Çankaya University ranks 601-800th in the Times Higher Education World Universities Ranking, Yeditepe University 601-800th in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.


PhD students of “Finance” educational program Nursultan Sultanov, Zhadra Rakhymova and Guldar Maulenberdiyeva were trained under the guidance of their foreign scientific consultant Professor Dr. Aytaç Gökmen, PhD student of “Management” educational program Lyazzat Sagandykova – under the guidance of Professor Dr. Natalya Ketenci.


During the internship PhD students got acquainted with the activities of universities, attended scientific and practical seminars, worked on the collection of materials for the doctoral thesis and scientific articles in the library, received f consultations rom scientific supervisors on methodology and research. At the end of internship, PhD students received certificates of completion of the foreign scientific internship.

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