Methodological seminar on the topic: “Requirements for knowledge, skills and competencies for a “Programmer Developer”

October 26, 2023 in online format, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Rsymbetov K.S. conducted a methodological seminar on the topic: “Requirements for knowledge, skills and competencies for a “Programmer Developer”


In the presentation Rsymbetov K.S. provided an overview of the world, Russian and Kazakhstan leaders in the developing of the software products and the training of software engineers. Speaker presented the classification of enterprises depending on the various specifications, particularly of using software and equipment.


What information technology professions are in demand?


Prof. K.S. Rsymbetov cited the main professions in demand on the labor market:


  • Web application developers;
  • Frontend programmer;
  • Backend programmer;
  • Chief programmer DevOPS-architect;
  • IT analyst;
  • Master Data Management;
  • Lead programmer (senior developer);
  • Programmer (developer), etc.


He cited what knowledge, skills and competencies current graduates in information technology should have.


Rsymbetov K.S. spoke in detail about typical information systems in corporate enterprises.


The methodological seminar was held at a high level.

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