Students of the educational program 6B11101 “Tourism” took the III place in the International student competition on tourism “24/7”

On April 17, 2024, students of the educational program “Tourism” took part in the VIII International 24/7 Competition on the topic “Digitalization in the hospitality and tourism industry”. The organizer of the competition is the AlmaU School of Hospitality and Tourism. According to the results of two rounds, the “Wanderwise” team took the honorable third place. The team consisted of Sukhoi Zlata, Alexander Khokhlenko and Rudik Arina. Rudik Arina is studying at Turan University under the academic mobility program, she came from the city of Rostov-on-Don (Southern Federal University).


The head of the team is Ospanova A.K., senior lecturer at the Department of Tourism and Service.

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