Foreign scientific internship of PhD students in Hungary

From March 17 to April 17, 2024, 2-year doctoral students of the “Psychology” educational program Akhan Karkara and Uteulova Aliya completed a scientific internship at the University of Szeged. This university occupies 601-610 positions in the world university ranking “QS Top Universities Ranking”.


Doctoral students completed the internship under the guidance of a foreign scientific supervisor, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor of the Department of Behavioral Sciences Bettina Franciska Piko.


During the scientific internship, doctoral students got acquainted with the activities of the University, Department, and Library; and participated in scientific seminars and the thesis defense of students; the research methodology and research papers for international peer-reviewed scientific journals were discussed together with a scientific supervisor. At the end of the internship, doctoral students received certificates of completion of a foreign scientific internship.

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