International forum «business, education and state» International Conference «Triple Helix as a basis for the formation of innovative ecosystems» May 14, 2024

The Triple Helix model envisages the interaction of institutional spheres in the process of solving the problems of sustainable development, accelerated growth and environmental protection. Global social, economic and environmental challenges increasingly demand greater inclusiveness, competitiveness and resilience on the part of communities, which requires rapid adaptation to changes brought about by the current situation. Innovation is becoming one of the main tools to respond to these conditions through the creation of flexible ecosystems involving business, government and education, providing integrated solutions for sustainable development through Triple Helix strategies and actions.


The aim of the conference is to create a space for discussing, identifying features, finding solutions to problems arising in the process of relations between entrepreneurial universities, smart governments, efficient industry and civil society in the format of discussion, exchange of empirical research results, sharing of knowledge transfer experiences and results of practical activities.


Key tracks of the international conference:


  • search for points of innovativeness and economic growth based on regional specifics;
  • issues of availability, improvement and mobility of human resource capacity, which is the catalyst and environment for the formation of innovative thinking;
  • strengthening the role of the university in the process of interaction between the participants of the triple helix as a source of entrepreneurial initiative and constructive creativity;
  • innovation clusters and cluster initiatives as a practical application of the Triple Helix concept;
  • Artificial intelligence: rights, duties, freedoms;
  • development of the system of civil servants’ competencies and methods of their assessment;
  • formation of an institutional environment for the development of the digital economy ecosystem and the training of «professionals of the future»;
  • Human Resources Challenge: Collaboration of Business and

Participants of the international conference: representatives of state authorities and real sector of economy, higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of business structures.




T.T. Мukhamedyarova – сandidate of economic sciences, professor, dean of Economics faculty

phone: 8 777 243 9800



E.M. Yeralina – PhD, deputy head of «Management» department phone: 8 707 819 2360



Application form


Zoom Conference

Conference ID: 835 3425 1047

Access code: 107962


Organizing committee address: Turan University, 050013,Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Satpayev str. 16A

Online admissions