University professor from Turan University participated in the Erasmus+ KA171 academic mobility program

From April 8 to April 12, 2024, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Radiotechnics, Electronics, and Telecommunications at Turan University, Bakhytzhan Kulambayev, took part in the academic mobility program at Rzeszow University of Technology within the European Union’s ERASMUS+ KA171 program.


Rzeszow University of Technology is one of the well-known public universities in Poland, with approximately 17,000 students enrolled in 31 different educational programs.


During his time there, Bakhytzhan Kulambayev conducted classes for bachelor’s students on the following topics: “Introduction to Operating Systems,” “Structure of Operating Systems,” “Processes,” “Threads,” “Process Synchronization,” and “CPU Scheduling.”


The collaboration between Turan University and Rzeszow University of Technology was deemed highly productive, opening new perspectives for further cooperation in the fields of science and education. Opportunities for joint research projects, exchange of experiences and knowledge, as well as the organization of joint events for students and faculty from both universities, were discussed.

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