Online scientific seminar “Research work of students as a component of training specialists in a modern university” for teachers of the information technology department

As part of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 – “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all,” an online scientific seminar titled “Student Research Work as a Component of Specialist Training in a Modern University” was conducted at Turan University on May 2, 2024.


The seminar’s speaker, Yekaterina Romanovna Kim, a candidate of technical sciences and associate professor at the Department of Information Technology, shared her experience in managing students’ scientific and business projects with the department’s faculty.


During the seminar, Yekaterina Romanovna elaborated on the significance of students’ engagement in scientific activities and the skills and competencies developed through such engagement. She also demonstrated how students’ research work is integrated into the educational process across various disciplines she teaches.


At the conclusion of the seminar, Kim Ye.R demonstrated the Russian platform for innovative competitions, hackathons, and accelerators, BRAIM.ORG. Utilizing this platform, Yekaterina Romanovna organized a competition titled “Development of Simulation Models” within the discipline “Fundamentals of Computer Modeling” for students enrolled in the educational programs “Information Systems” (6B06101, 7M06101, and 7M06103) and “Intelligent Robotics” (6B06103).

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