XI Republican student subject Olympiad on the educational program Logistics

On May 15, 2024, the Republican Student Subject Olympiad will be held in the Coworking Center of Turan University.


The XI Republican Student subject Olympiad according to the educational program 6B11301-Logistics is held in accordance with the recommendations on the organization and holding of republican subject Olympiads of basic higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


For taking 1st place in the X Republican Student Subject Olympiad in 2023, which was held at K.I. Satpayev KazNRTU, the Turan University team received the right to hold the XI Republican Student Subject Olympiad in 2024 at the university.


The Olympiad is attended by students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan studying under the educational program 6B11301-Logistics. The main purpose of the Olympiad is the development of educational, cognitive and educational research activities of students of higher education organizations, support for the creative interests of students. The Olympiad is organized by the Department of Marketing and Logistics, Faculty of Economics, Turan University.

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