Preventive meeting at Turan University: the fight against electronic cigarettes and financial literacy for students

On April 26, 2024, an important preventive meeting with first-year students took place in the assembly hall of the Turan University. The main topics of discussion were bad habits common among young people and financial literacy.


One of the speakers was Tatyana Nikolaevna Rodionova, head of the medical and health center, who spoke in detail about the dangers of using electronic cigarettes or vapes. In her presentation, she described the health consequences of vaping, drawing attention to the growing problem of addiction among young people.


Representatives of Otbasy Bank also took part in the event, providing students with brief information about opening bank accounts for minors. This will allow students to begin building their financial literacy from a young age, mastering money management and budget planning skills.


Alimov Mansur, head of the Youth Affairs Committee, touched upon important aspects of student life. He spoke about the work of the Disciplinary Council, the importance of compliance with the Student Code and other university rules. This will help first-year students successfully adapt to the new educational environment and avoid possible negative consequences.


This meeting was a significant step in preparing students for an active and healthy student life, helping them understand the importance of taking care of their health and financial well-being. Students of Turan University received not only information, but also the tools necessary for successful adaptation to the university environment and the development of personal skills.

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