Results of the competition “Grant Project”

Friends, our largest competition – Grant Project – has come to an end!


  • Over 2,000 participants from all over Kazakhstan
  • Three stages of participation
  • Coordinators consultations during 8 months


We would like to express our gratitude to all participants for your brave decision to test your abilities and take part in our competition!


And of course, we would like to congratulate our winners and wish you to always remain ambitious, active, determined, energetic, talented, and well-rounded!


Decision of the competition commission on the distribution of internal educational grants based on the results of the “Grant project” competition for bachelor’s degrees for the 2024 enrollment year.


Based on the results of the internal competition, grants will be awarded to the following winners:


Grant for 4 years

  1. Edilbaev Magzhan Galymzhanuly
  2. Temkeshev Rauan Rizabekovich
  3. Kolmogorova Maria Dmitrievna
  4. Khairol Nurgul Zheniskyzy
  5. Secretary Rodion Denisovich
  6. Zeinil Gulnara Talgatkyzy
  7. Bakhavdunov Esmir Rashidovich
  8. Asylbay Marzhan Asylbaykyzy
  9. Oralkhanova Asel Ganievna


Grant for 2 years

  1. Uysinbay Zhanerke Serikbaykyzy
  2. Kudaibergenova Rukha Ruslanovna
  3. Buldakova Kristina Vladislavovna
  4. Nuradin Ayaulym Nuradinkyzy
  5. Parsakhan Gulbanu Nurmahankyzy
  6. Dauletkeldi Aymaral Sabyrbekkyzy


Grant for 1 year

  1. Lim Anastasia Sergeevna
  2. Imangaliev Mansur Melsovich
  3. Zakharkova Anzhelika Sergeevna
  4. Satybaldieva Laura Erzhanovna
  5. Outer Alexandra Alexandrovna
  6. Zhunusova Zhanel Ablaevna
  7. Godun Sofia Alexandrovna
  8. Petrova Arina Ayaalovna
  9. Mankeyeva Yasmina Mirlanovna
  10. Cherdantsev Artem Arkadievich
  11. Amangeldinova Dilnas Talgatovna
  12. Bolatkhan Ardana Bolatzhankyzy
  13. Kudaibergenov Adil Nurzhanovich
  14. Murat Ayaulym Zhanatkyzy


👉🏼 In order to become the owner of a grant from Turan University, you must go to the admissions office in the summer and provide a complete package of documents for admission:

  1. Document on education (school certificate or college diploma) with annex (original).
  2. Certificate based on the results of passing the UNT or UNTPE.
  3. Copy of ID.
  4. Medical certificate form 075-u + fluorography photo.
  5. Medical certificates with EGov (narcology and psychiatry)
  6. Medical certificate form 063 (vaccination passport).
  7. 6 photographs 3×4.
  8. Copy of registration or military ID (if available).
  9. Documents confirming the right to receive benefits (if available).
  10. Certificate confirming the level of proficiency in a foreign language (if available).

Acceptance of documents from June 1 to August 25.


We are waiting for you at Satpayev, 16A.

Online admissions