On the 15th of May in the group of Foundation faculty A2 there was an open lesson on the theme: “Russian language in Kazakhstan: Foundation about Turan” under the guidance of the teacher Zhappar K.Z.

On the 15th of May in our educational institution in the 304th auditorium was held an exciting open class, which was held in a game form. The students were divided into two groups and actively competed, fulfilling the teacher’s tasks for speed and correctness of writing.


The aim of the lesson was not only to consolidate knowledge, but also to increase interest in the learning process. Each task required from the participants attentiveness, quick reaction time and deep knowledge. The groups tried to fulfil the tasks as quickly and accurately as possible, which created an atmosphere of healthy competition and increased motivation. Special attention was drawn to the prepared interactive presentation, where students from Germany, USA, France and Afghanistan told about their experience of stay and impressions of studying at Turan University.


In one year of study their perseverance and hard work led to amazing results and inspiring progress.


We wish them further success and reaching new heights!

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