Certified course from the UN Peacekeeping Operations Center in Kazakhstan for students of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations

From February 09 to May 17, 2024 at the University “Turan” with the organization of the Department of “Regional Studies and International Relations” was held a course: “UN peacekeeping” in the framework of support of the Center for Peacekeeping Operations of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan for students of international relations and regional studies.


Kazakhstan’s role in peacekeeping is one of the most effective tools available to the UN to assist host countries going through a difficult period of transition out of a conflict situation. It has unique advantages such as legitimacy, responsibility sharing, and the deployment and sustainment of military, police and civilian components from around the world.


In conducting the course, the Peace Operations Center of the Ministry of Defense invited commanders-lecturers from different ranks and presented 15 different weekly topics of “UN Peacekeeping” such as: “Peace and Security Activities”, “UN Peacekeeping Principles”, “UN Legal Framework”, “Protection of Human Rights, in particular women and children”, etc.


The aim of the course for students was to learn the principles, guiding documents and policies of UN peacekeeping, as well as some aspects of the application of international humanitarian law and human rights in peacekeeping operations.


At the end of the course, the commanders of the Center for Peacekeeping Operations of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a presentation of certificates for students of the Department of “Regional Studies and International Relations”, and also some students of the university “Turan” were invited to have an internship program at the Center for Peacekeeping Operations of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Online admissions