Round table on the topic «History of kazakh-polish relations on the example of outstanding personalities»

On May 20, 2024 «Turan» University held a round table on the theme «History of Kazakh-Polish relations on the example of outstanding personalities». The purpose of the round table was to study the historical events of Kazakh-Polish relations that took place on the territory of our country.


Leading experts and famous scientists, as well as Kazakhstani young researchers and diplomats took part in the work of this round table.


Only 8 reports of famous scientists and experts were heard at the meeting. The roundtable was held in a hybrid face-to-face and remote format: half of the participants participated by zoom from Poland and Belgium. The main moderator was the Head of the Department of «Regional Studies and International Relations», PhD Zh.M. Tolen.


The authors of the book «History of Kazakh-Polish relations on the example of outstanding personalities» Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kingdom of Belgium Margulan Bakytuly Baimukhan and political scientist, historian, PhD candidate Zhandos Әuelbekuly Karinbaev were made keynote speeches on theoretical and methodological issues of Kazakh-Polish relations.


Along with the main scientific report to the attention of the participants of the round table were offered reports of famous Kazakh and Polish scientists such as, Doctor of Historical Sciences, habil. professor – M.Sh. Gubaidullina, chief researcher of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk – Dr. Dmitry Panto, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor – L.T. Isova and etc.


In general, in the book dedicated to the interrelations of outstanding personalities of the two peoples, important sources in Kazakh, Russian and Polish languages were processed. The number of persons directly and indirectly covered by the book is 470 people. The book is addressed to specialists – researchers of Kazakh-Polish relations, historians, culturologists, as well as the general public.


In general, the work of the round table became a platform for the exchange of different scientific ideas, involving scientists and experts on the history of Kazakh-Polish relations in an interesting discussion.


The round table program can be found here.

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