Results of the II stage of the Republican competition scientific research work of a master’s student 2024 on the educational program “Tourism”

University “Turan” is the base university for holding The Scientific research work of a master’s student 2024 competition in the educational program “Tourism”.


11 works were received to participate in the II stage of the Republican Scientific research work of a master’s student competition in 2024.


Having reviewed the students’ scientific works, the university’s competition committee decided to present the following diplomas for awarding:


  • Diplomas of the Ministry of the I degree – 1 Scientific work;
  • Diplomas of the Ministry of II degree – 1 Scientific work;
  • Diplomas of the Ministry of III degree – 3 Scientific works.
  • A I degree diploma is awarded to a master’s student ENU Aldazhuman Anel Dauletkyzy. Scientific supervisor Tleubaeva A.T.
  • A II degree diploma is awarded to a master’s student ENU Kasimzhan Dilnaz Bolatkyzy. Scientific supervisor Tleubaeva A.T.
  • A III degree diploma is awarded to a master’s student of Turan University Toleubaeva Aruzhan Talgatkyzy. Scientific supervisor Kalenova Saulesh Abdrazakhovna.
  • A III degree diploma is awarded to a master’s student of Turan-Astana University Isabaeva Bibigul Bakytzhankyzy.  Scientific supervisors Kamenova M.Zh., Atikeeva S.N.
  • A III degree diploma is awarded to a master’s student of Auezov University. Abilda Arailym Abildakyzy. Scientific supervisor Doshan Almagul Sakhitzhankyzy.
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