Scientific master class “Preparation of scientific articles for publication in Scopus” for teachers and undergraduates of the Information technology department

On May 29, 2024, a scientific master class on the topic “Preparation of Scientific Articles for Publication in Scopus” was held at Turan University for teachers and undergraduates of the Information Technology Department.


The speaker of the seminar, PhD and Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology, Belginova Saule Askerbekovna, shared her experience in preparing scientific articles and publishing them in scientometric databases like Scopus with the department’s teachers.


During the master class, Saule Askerbekovna discussed the importance of engaging in scientific activity, how to find journals by branches of knowledge, the stages involved in the preparation and publication of articles, and the structure that should be followed when writing an article.


At the end of the master class, Saule Askerbekovna answered all the teachers’ questions and wished everyone successful publications in various journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.


The moderator of the master class was Candidate of Technical Sciences and Associate Professor, Kim Yekaterina Romanovna.

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