Results of the competition “Best Scientific Research – 2024” at the Department of Psychology

From April 22 to May 17, 2024 the competition of young scientists was held at the Department of “Psychology” of the University «Turan» on the topic «The best scientific research».


The main purpose of the competition is to improve the level of scientific training of students as well as to identify relevant theoretical and applied research in the field of psychology.


13 master’s students and 7 doctoral students of the educational programme «Psychology» took part in the competition.


The competition committee under the chairmanship of Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor O.S. Sangilbaev determined the number of prizes: 1st place – one research, 2nd place – two researches, 3rd place – three research works.


The best scientific research was awarded to the work of doctoral student Akhan K.O. «Influence of creative abilities on cognitive-activity style in students» (scientific supervisor: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Prof. Kasymzhanova A.A.).


The second places were awarded to the works of master student Duysalieva G.M. «The impact of classical music on human emotional states» (supervisor: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Prof. Mun M.V.) and doctoral student Ys’kak G.T. «The relationship between the choice of behavioural strategy of adolescents and character accentuation» (supervisor: Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Prof. Sangilbaev O.S.).


The third places were shared by the research of doctoral student Uteulova A.A. «Factors affecting the formation of communication skills in nurses» (supervisor: PhD, Professor Asimov M.A.), master’s student Andriyanov Y.A. «The relationship between psychological features and long journeys» (supervisor: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dupliakin E.B.) and master student Alova J.M. «Theoretical bases of the problem of life satisfaction and psychological well-being of personality» (supervisor: PhD, associate professor, head of department Vasko T.P.).


Congratulations to all the participants in the contest!

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