Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of undergraduates on the educational program «Management»

«Turan» University, as the base university, held the II stage of the Republican competition of research work of undergraduates of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the educational program «Management».


On the II round of the competition were sent 8 research works of undergraduates, presented in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, from 5 higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan:


Based on the results of the 2nd round, the places were distributed as follows:


  • 1st place – Serikakhmetova A.B., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Supervisor – Doctor of Economics, Professor Adambekova A.A.
  • 2nd place – Abdrashev A.H., «Almaty Technological University». Supervisor – PhD, Associate Professor Sakhanova G.B.
  • 2nd place – Iovik A.K., «Turan University». Supervisor – PhD, Associate Professor E.M. Yeralina, PhD, Associate Professor T.K. Bukeikhanova.
  • 3rd place – Beyimbetova D.T., Taisengirova M.T., Tulemisova D.M., «Almaty Management University». Supervisor – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kaidarova L.K.
  • 3rd place Turgynbek B.J., Ybyrai M.J., Malgazhdar A.E., Almaty Humanitarian-Economic University. Supervisor – M.Sc., Senior Lecturer Shiganbaeva N.B., M.Sc., Senior Lecturer Tleubekova A.D.
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