Career quest “Flavor Go”

On May 18, 2024, the city career quest “Flavor GO” took place at Turan University. This quest was organized by the Career and Leadership Center of Turan University in partnership with the International Company PepsiCo.

The purpose of the event is to generate interest in employment in the company for the winner of the “Top Employer” nomination, and from students to increase awareness about development and growth opportunities at Pepsico.

Students from Turan University, Nazarbayev University, KBTU, De Montfort University and others took part in the career quest.

All participants had a useful time and received memorable gifts from partners and certificates.

The winners were the Energizers team, which won valuable prizes, and the most active ones received a fast track for the annual PepsiCo GO program for developing young talents. After summing up the results of the quest, all participants took part in a dinner party with PepsiCo employees, where they were able to ask all their questions regarding employment and take part in the educational “Quiz game”.

PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage manufacturers in the world and in the Central Asian market: represented by 500+ employees and 18 brands in the categories of drinks, juices, snacks, dairy products and baby food. For 6 years in a row, a company in Kazakhstan has received international Top Employer certification, which makes it one of the most attractive places to build a career. Thanks to the PepsiCo Go program for developing young talents, the company already employs several dozen experienced employees who came as students.

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