Turan University took 6th place in the National Ranking of the demand for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2024!

On June 17, 2024 the results of the ranking studies of the IAAR – 2024 were published.


In the general ranking of the top 20 universities Turan University took 6th place.


According to the results of the ranking studies of the IAAR – 2024 the educational programs of our university took the following positions:


At the bachelor’s level:


В047- Marketing and advertising 1st place
В046- Finance, economics, banking and insurance 1st place
В023- Directing, art management 2st place
В029 – Audiovisual aids and media production 2st place
В042- Journalism and reporting studies 3st place
В095 – Transport services 4st place
В049- Law 4st place
В041 – Psychology 4st place
В140 – International relations and diplomacy 4st place
В059- Communications and communication technologies 5st place
В044 – Management and administration 6st place
В091- Tourism 6st place
В057 – Information technologies 7st place
В045 – Audit and taxation 7st place



At the master’s level:


М028 – Directing 1st place
М037 – Cinematography 1st place
М064 – International relations 1st place
М070 – Economics 1st place
М072 – Management and administration 1st place
М074- Finance, banking and insurance 1st place
М075- Marketing and advertising 1st place
М094 – Information technologies 1st place
М147- Tourism 1st place
М066 – Psychology 3st place
М067- Journalism and reporting studies 3st place
М078- Law 3st place
М073 – Audit and taxation 3st place


At the doctoral level (PhD):

D070 – Economy 1st place
D072 – Management and administration 1st place
D074 – Finance, banking and insurance 1st place
D066 – Psychology 2st place
D078- Law 3st place
Online admissions