Non-formal education at Turan University: new opportunities

In the context of the globalization of the labor market and the rapid development of information technology, the need for new knowledge, skills and competencies of modern people has increased significantly. The high requirements of top domestic and foreign companies for the qualification of a specialist often cannot be satisfied with a diploma of higher (postgraduate) education alone. In this case, it is possible to master additional programs and courses within the framework of non-formal education, which is available to everyone, regardless of their age and field of activity.


By implementing the concept of non-formal education, Turan University creates conditions for the realization of the educational needs of students and trainees in advanced training and the development of new knowledge and technologies, provides an opportunity to master new personal and professional competencies. Upon completion of the training, a certificate of completion of the program (course) and (or) a transcript are issued.


In just 2 months, Stanislav Levin, a student of the Institute of Continuing Education at Turan University, has mastered an additional course of disciplines in the framework of non-formal education in the educational program “Finance”!


We wish the graduate to continue his professional career and its successful development in a prestigious foreign company.

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