A meeting was held at Turan University to improve the professional and personal identity of civil servants by the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the city of Almaty

A meeting of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in Almaty was held at Turan University to improve the professional and personal identity of civil servants.


The event was attended by heads and employees of the personnel departments of state bodies of Almaty, who were entrusted with the functions of the ethics commissioner. Kamalov Bakhtiyar Kamalovich and Dzhaparov Boris Alekenovich, who are members of the council of mentors, were invited to this event and shared their experience gained both in life and in the professional field. It was once again emphasized that the strength of the state lies in capable, honest, competent and open civil servants who are determined to develop the country, making it modern, successful, open and safe.


The ability of civil servants to think freely, make independent decisions and bear social responsibility to society and the state, as well as their professionalism, experience, desire and diligence play a key role in the effective development of the country.


Following the meeting, veterans expressed their wishes to civil servants for success in their work and career growth, as well as an active life position.

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