Teachers of the Higher school of Information technology of Turan University keep up with the times and apply innovative approaches in their teaching activities. One of these approaches is the use of project-based learning. During the implementation of projects, students solve real problems and consolidate the theoretical material they have learned in practice. The implementation of projects forms students not only hard skills, but also soft skills, such as critical and flexible thinking, teamwork, problem solving, public speaking, communication skills, etc.
Within the framework of the disciplines “Internet Entrepreneurship”, “Artificial Intelligence systems” and “Fundamentals of computer modeling”, students of 2-4 courses of the educational programs “Information Systems” and “Intelligent Robotics” developed IT startups, IT projects with elements of artificial intelligence and simulation models of systems and processes in the team. The development, submission and protection of projects took place through the Russian platform of innovative competitions, hackathons and accelerators.
Based on the results of project protection, the best projects were identified and diplomas of I, II and III degrees were awarded. Also, each participant of the competitions received certificates of the qualifying stages and participation in the finals.
The organizer of the competitions is cand. tech. sc., associate professor of the Higher school of Information technology Kim Ye.R.