Olympiad among schoolchildren of 9–11 grades and college students in Almaty

Higher School of Economics and Management of «Turan» University together with the Department of the Agency for Public Service informs about the Olympiad among schoolchildren of 9-11 classes and college students of Almaty on the theme: «Modern trends of social entrepreneurship».


The aim of the Social Youth Entrepreneurship Olympiad is to stimulate the development of entrepreneurial skills among young people aimed at solving social and economic problems, taking into account the interests of the state and local communities.



Tasks of the Olympiad:


  1. Involvement of young people in social entrepreneurship and development of entrepreneurial competences.
  2. Identifying and supporting talented young people who are ready to implement socially significant projects.
  3. Creating a platform for exchange of ideas and experiences among youth initiatives.
  4. Developing critical thinking, teamwork and complex social problem solving skills.
  5. Encourage the introduction of innovative technologies and sustainable practices in social projects.
  6. Raising awareness among young people about the importance of social entrepreneurship and its role in addressing global challenges.





A team should consist of 2-3 participants.

Languages of the Olympiad: state (Kazakh), Russian, English.

The winner is the team whose sum of points is the maximum among all participating teams.

When summing up the results, the Organising Committee of Turan University identifies the winners for each place in the team competition.

In order to participate in the Olympiad, it is necessary to fill in the application form at https://forms.gle/TJMf9JMECmLy6RaH6 until 08 February (inclusive) 2025.

Until 15 February 2025 (inclusive), each participating team should send an essay and a project to m.nurmagambetova@turan-edu.kz.

The validation of the Olympiad will end on 17 February 2025, at which time the winners of the Olympiad will be announced, and then an electronic mailing of certificates and diplomas to the participants and winners will be organised.

The mailing will take place within two weeks after the announcement of the results of the Olympiad.





The Olympiad consists of two blocks.

I round – Writing an essay on the topic: «The role of the state in the development of youth entrepreneurship». (Annex 1)

II round – Development of a project on the topic: «Modern trends of social entrepreneurship» (Annex 1)




According to the results of the Olympiad, winners will be determined, who will take 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Special diplomas will be awarded to the most original and creative works. The results will be announced at «Turan» University.




For all questions please contact by e-mail: m.nurmagambetova@turan-edu.kz

Contact phone number for urgent questions: +77272604000 – Higher School of Economics and Management of Turan University.

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