March 1 is Gratitude Day!

Gratitude Day is a special day when we are sincerely grateful and thank our loved ones, the people around us and every moment of our lives. For our society, this day means not only moments of joy and happiness, but also a sense of special responsibility for helping and supporting others.


On this significant Day of “gratitude”, dedicated to the holy month of Ramadan, Bimoldina Zharkyn Akhmetovna, senior advisor of the Higher School of Information Technology at our University, visited the Karima nursing home in Karasai district with 2-3 year students specializing in Information Systems and organized a charity event to bring joy to our elderly people.


Residents of nursing homes are loving people who have experienced many hardships in life and have contributed to the development of our country. They are an important part of our society, and their life paths and experiences are precious treasures for young people.


In honor of the Day of Gratitude, a special mini-concert, gifts and a dastarkhan dedicated to our elderly people were organized. There were songs and poems, and the elderly were given the opportunity to sing together. It warmed their souls and refreshed their vivid memories that had not faded away for a long time. Each old man was given gifts individually, and it was said that it was very important to pay attention to them. Gratitude Day has taught not only the elderly, but also us to appreciate life, to appreciate every moment.


By expressing our respect for our elderly people and sincerely thanking them, we were able to make an important moment in their lives meaningful. Such events are necessary not only for gratitude, but also in order to delve deeper into the lives of adults in our society and understand their value.


The bright smile and happy looks on the faces of our grandparents were the greatest reward for us.

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