
Turan University in Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2024: Contribution to the sustainable development goals
Turan University in Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2024: Contribution to the sustainable development goals
Meeting with a climber Denis Urubko
Meeting with a climber Denis Urubko
The vice-rector for external relations and doctoral studies at Turan University completed a research internship in the USA
The vice-rector for external relations and doctoral studies at Turan University completed a research internship in the USA
Volgograd State University invites Turan University students to participate in academic mobility
Volgograd State University invites Turan University students to participate in academic mobility
Congratulations to the winner of the 1st round of the International Financial Security Olympiad 2024 Seishonlo Leila!
Congratulations to the winner of the 1st round of the International Financial Security Olympiad 2024 Seishonlo Leila!
Meeting of Turan University graduates
Meeting of Turan University graduates
Career quest “Flavor Go”
Career quest “Flavor Go”
Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of undergraduates  on the educational program «Management»
Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of undergraduates on the educational program «Management»
Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of students  in the educational program «Management»
Results of the II round of the Republican competition of research works of students in the educational program «Management»
Results of the competition “Best Scientific Research – 2024” at the Department of Psychology
Results of the competition “Best Scientific Research – 2024” at the Department of Psychology
Scientific master class “Preparation of scientific articles for publication in Scopus” for teachers and undergraduates of the Information technology department
Scientific master class “Preparation of scientific articles for publication in Scopus” for teachers and undergraduates of the Information technology department
Psychology Department with colleagues from EMDR Kazakhstan held an open lecture
Psychology Department with colleagues from EMDR Kazakhstan held an open lecture
Strategic session on developing the Concept for the Development of Legal Education
Strategic session on developing the Concept for the Development of Legal Education
Foreign internship of PhD doctoral student at M.V. Lomonosov MSU
Foreign internship of PhD doctoral student at M.V. Lomonosov MSU
Scientific internship of PhD student at the peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Scientific internship of PhD student at the peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
PhD students’ internship at the University of Leipzig in Germany
PhD students’ internship at the University of Leipzig in Germany
International scientific and practical conference “Independent and fair court is a condition for approval of New Kazakhstan”
International scientific and practical conference “Independent and fair court is a condition for approval of New Kazakhstan”
Results of the II stage of the Republican competition scientific research work of a master’s student 2024 on the educational program “Tourism”
Results of the II stage of the Republican competition scientific research work of a master’s student 2024 on the educational program “Tourism”
Round table on the topic «History of kazakh-polish relations on the example of outstanding personalities»
Round table on the topic «History of kazakh-polish relations on the example of outstanding personalities»
Students of the educational program “Information systems” at the XVI Republican Student Subject Olympiad
Students of the educational program “Information systems” at the XVI Republican Student Subject Olympiad
Online admissions