
Congratulations to the winners of the KTA and KAH&R Olympiad “The Best Specialists of the Tourism Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2024”
Congratulations to the winners of the KTA and KAH&R Olympiad “The Best Specialists of the Tourism Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2024”
Тhe Higher School of Law of «Turan» University, holds a round table dedicated to International Human Rights Day, within the framework of SDG 16
Тhe Higher School of Law of «Turan» University, holds a round table dedicated to International Human Rights Day, within the framework of SDG 16
On 6th December, 2024 the fourth meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On 6th December, 2024 the fourth meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Teachers of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality at a training seminar on MICE tourism
Teachers of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality at a training seminar on MICE tourism
Participation in the International Competition
Participation in the International Competition
Golden Hour Masquerade Ball at Turan University
Golden Hour Masquerade Ball at Turan University
October 25 – Republic Day of Kazakhstan: Students and Activists of Turan University are celebrating the National Holiday
October 25 – Republic Day of Kazakhstan: Students and Activists of Turan University are celebrating the National Holiday
Turan’s Trumps: Performance at the Inter-University Dance Competition
Turan’s Trumps: Performance at the Inter-University Dance Competition
On-site training of students of the “Restaurant and hospitality business” option
On-site training of students of the “Restaurant and hospitality business” option
Intellectual quiz “Hospitality industry leader”
Intellectual quiz “Hospitality industry leader”
Open day at the Turan University Graduate School of Law
Open day at the Turan University Graduate School of Law
Guest lecture by PhD Dzhumadillayeva Zh.B. at  KazNA RU
Guest lecture by PhD Dzhumadillayeva Zh.B. at KazNA RU
International conference in honor of Svetlana Nikolaevna Rehson’s anniversary
International conference in honor of Svetlana Nikolaevna Rehson’s anniversary
On holding a sectional meeting of the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Turan University
On holding a sectional meeting of the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Turan University
Round table on the Development of forensic examination of intellectual property in Kazakhstan
Round table on the Development of forensic examination of intellectual property in Kazakhstan
The victory of the Sanaly Urpak club of the Higher School of Law of Turan University in the competition “How i see Kazakhstan without corruption”
The victory of the Sanaly Urpak club of the Higher School of Law of Turan University in the competition “How i see Kazakhstan without corruption”
Guest lecture at the Higher School of Law: “On the activities of the national center for human rights”
Guest lecture at the Higher School of Law: “On the activities of the national center for human rights”
Leadership lecture by professor of the Higher school of law T.K. Akimzhanov: “Fair Kazakhstan – law, order and public optimism”
Leadership lecture by professor of the Higher school of law T.K. Akimzhanov: “Fair Kazakhstan – law, order and public optimism”
«Legal relations in the student body»: Meeting of students of the Turan lyceum with a representative of the Higher school of law
«Legal relations in the student body»: Meeting of students of the Turan lyceum with a representative of the Higher school of law
Кәсіптік бағдар беру кездесуі: «Құқықтану» және «Интелектуалдық  меншік құқығы» бағыттары бойынша магистратураның мүмкіндіктері
Кәсіптік бағдар беру кездесуі: «Құқықтану» және «Интелектуалдық меншік құқығы» бағыттары бойынша магистратураның мүмкіндіктері
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