Inclusive education

A student who wishes to declare his/her special educational needs should contact the dean’s office.



Dean’s office of the Faculty of Humanities and Law – room. 613


Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law — Medetkanov Zhandos Sabyrzhanovich: 260-40-08 (ext. 1081)



Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Economics — office 311


Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics — Karabaev Maksat Bekbolatovich: 260-40-26 (ext. 1091)



Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Arts — 110 Dostyk Ave.


Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics — Kasymzhanova Marzhan Erlanovna: 264-48-72

  • At the request of students, special educational needs are taken into account when drawing up the class schedule (on the first floor, etc.);
  • There is access to textbooks for study both in the library and at home, and teaching materials are also provided in electronic form;
  • Provided the opportunity to develop optimal individual educational trajectories for students with special educational needs;
  • If necessary, an individual training schedule is drawn up;
  • Access to the IPR BOOKS electronic library system is available;
  • Volunteer assistance is organized;
  • Discounts on tuition fees are provided for persons with disabilities (Ⅰ – Ⅲ group).
Inclusive infrastructure

The university has devices for physical access for people with disabilities:


  • Internal ramp to the stairs and external
  • Tactile tiles
  • Sanitary and household premises
  • Tactile mnemonic diagram
  • Medical and health center
  • Information boards for people with hearing impairments
  • Designated parking lot
  • Elevator adapted for people with disabilities
  • Support center for students with special educational needs


Regulations on activities to ensure conditions for inclusive education at the Turan University
Support Center for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
  • The support center for students with special educational needs is located in the university library;
  • The reading room is equipped with workstations for users with SEN;
  • The university has an annual subscription to the IPR SMART educational resource. The subscription provides access to mobile applications for the iOS and Android operating systems;
  • Each computer at the workstation for users with SEN is equipped with applications:
    • IPRbooks Mobile Reader is a mobile application that provides the most efficient and convenient work for users with the electronic library system on a smartphone or tablet.
    • IPRbooks WV-Reader is a specialized application for use by people with visual disabilities. The application has an adapted catalog of educational literature for people with visual disabilities, full voice guidance for the application, and the ability to connect a Braille keyboard.
SPECIAL TOOLS FOR USE can be obtained in the library reading room (immediately or upon prior request)
Online admissions