Business administration



Our programs


7М04106 – GENERAL MBA (Master of Business Administration)

7М04107 – Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration)



7M04106 General MBA (Master of Business Administration)


The goal of the MBA (Master of Business Administration) educational program is to train management personnel with modern knowledge and skills in the field of business, capable of managing processes and personnel assets, forming a company’s strategy, being able to determine strategic and operational tasks and achieve their achievement using scientific tools.


Form of education: full-time


Language of instruction: Russian / English


Study period: 2 years


Program cost:


  • 1 000 000 tenge / year (in Russian)
  • 1 400 000 tenge / year (in English)


Upon completion of training, graduates of the program are awarded a diploma and an academic degree of Master of Business Administration.





  • Practice-oriented training (master classes, guest lectures with the invitation of practitioners);
  • Innovative courses of the educational program that meet modern market requirements and employers’ requests: Design Thinking, Effective Skills of a Modern Leader, International Business;
  • Use of interactive teaching methods (interactive lectures, promotional videos, case studies, role and business games, presentations, and business projects) that contribute to the formation of key competences;
  • Application of computer technologies in the educational process;
  • Formation and development of creative thinking of students in the process of performing practical tasks, press conferences, presentations, business projects, etc., which contributes to the ability to take optimal and effective management decisions, including non-standard and original;
  • Demand for graduates of the General MBA program who have a fairly high qualification and professional competences, which is confirmed by their high percentage of employment;
  • Combining research career and work in business structures.





Block of disciplines for the formation of professional competence


  • Strategic Management and Business Policy
  • Business Research
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial and Management Accounting
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Operations Management
  • Change Management
  • International Business


Block of disciplines for the personal development and the formation of leadership qualities


  • Leadership and Ethics
  • Public Speaking Technologies
  • Design Thinking
  • Effective Skills of a Modern Leader



7M04107 – Executive MBA (EMBA)


The goal of the Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) Educational Program is to prepare top managers, taking into account the specifics of the target audience.


Form of education: full-time


Language of instruction: Russian / English


Study period:  1 year


Program cost:

  • 1 500 000 tenge / year (in Russian)
  • 2 200 000 tenge / year (in English)


Upon completion of training, graduates of the program are awarded a diploma and an academic degree of Master of Business Administration.





  • Practice-oriented training (master classes, guest lectures with the invitation of practitioners);
  • Graduates of the EMBA educational program can carry out the following types of professional activities:
  • organizational and managerial;
  • production and management;
  • analytical.
  • Use of interactive teaching methods (interactive lectures, promotional videos, case studies, role and business games, presentations, business projects) that contribute to the formation of key competences;
  • Application of computer technologies in the educational process;
  • Combining research career and work in business structures.





Block of disciplines for the formation of professional competence

  • Strategic Management
  • Business Research
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Financial and Management Accounting
  • Digital Marketing
  • Operations Management


Block of disciplines of personal development and the formation of leadership qualities


  • Breakthrough Leadership
  • Design Thinking
  • Effective Skills of a Modern Leader


Online admissions