The educational program 6B04104 – The world economy has as its goal the training of highly professional specialists who are able to freely navigate in the variety of theoretical and applied problems, modern trends and prospects of the world economy, possessing both universal and subject-specific competencies that contribute to their social stability and sustainability at the national and international labor markets.
Teaching within the EP is carried out on the basis of modern theoretical and methodological developments in the field of the world economy, aimed at mastering the methods of analyzing the conjuncture of the world commodity and financial markets, factors of increasing the competitiveness of goods and services, forms of foreign economic activity and international settlements, patterns of the course of integration processes in the world , activities of international economic organizations.
The content of the educational program 6B04104 – The world economy is built on the basis of modular and competency-based approaches based on the results of annual monitoring and improvement of educational programs. The specification of the educational program presents the detailed content of the program and the plan for its development. EP trajectories are aimed at deepening students’ knowledge and obtaining skills in the professional field. For each trajectory, courses of disciplines were developed taking into account the specifics of the existing scientific schools at the university, the individual interests of the student himself, the needs of the labor market and the opinions of employers.
Academic degree: bachelor’s degree in economics and business
Elective subjects at the UNT:
Geography + Math
UNT disciplines (for applicants in a related specialty):
Fundamentals of Economic Theory + Organization Finance
Form of training: full-time, full-time with a shortened period of study
Duration of study:
Within the framework of the specialty “World Economy”, you are offered the following narrow areas of study to acquire special knowledge and skills in the field of world economy:
At the graduating department of the specialty “World Economy”, classes are conducted by highly qualified specialists, including 7 doctors and 12 candidates of Economic Sciences, 3 doctors of Sciences. Every year, teachers undergo research internships, advanced training courses abroad, as well as courses to improve the English language. The main task of the team is to ensure further improvement of the level of training of competitive specialists for the global market. Employees of the department regularly take part in international scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, congresses in the countries of near and far abroad; publish articles, scientific reports, theses in scientific publications of foreign universities and other scientific centers.
Specialists, business coaches, businessmen and representatives of foreign companies, foreign teachers are involved in improving the practical skills necessary for rapid adaptation in the international business environment. Their practical experience, combined with theoretical, methodological, and fundamental foundations, enriches the educational process in this specialty.
Dual Degree Programs:
Academic mobility programs:
The professional activity of a specialist with an economic education in the specialty “World Economy” is carried out in the foreign economic, monetary and financial spheres, both at the national and international level. Graduates of the specialty “World Economy” are focused on senior positions in important strategic departments of enterprises and banks.
Graduates of the specialty “World Economy”, who have the necessary knowledge and skills at the end of this educational program, have every chance to prove themselves in: