LabPro – career guidance author’s tool and educational center

It is known that the choice of professional direction is one of the key stages in the life of each person and determines the success of his growth, self-realization and happiness. The foundations of this are laid at the stage of education in the school and are concretized by its completion. It is assumed that young people who have already determined their profession are enrolled in universities or colleges. But this is far from true!!!


The goal is to create and automate a career guidance tool that helps young people identify their strengths and weaknesses, profile subjects for the UNT, professional directions in accordance with the classifier of specialties of the Republic of Kazakhstan and find their true vocation in building a successful career in the modern labor market.

It was his own teaching and research experience that led to the search for ways of developing the vocational orientation system in Kazakhstan. Ownership of expertise in the field of psychometrics, psychodiagnostics, allowed to understand that the basis for the development of professional orientation in the state is the presence of a valid, reliable and representative diagnostic tool. This understanding was accompanied by participating as a psychometrist in the BTS Education project and joining the IASC. All this confirmed the correctness of the assumptions made. And started active work on the creation of such a test, which had to be developed in Russian and Kazakh language. This work was joined by student Rehert Martin and within 3 years the team developed a two-language vocational orientation test, free of age restrictions, synchronized with the classifier of specialties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, allowing you to obtain the recommended subjects for ENT, automated with the help of Telegram-bot takes 5-7 minutes, and the results are provided immediately.


We tested it for 3 years on more than 5,000 schoolchildren and 2,500 university students, obtained copyright.


And now started active work on the promotion and commercialization of the results of our project. We took an active part in the Qadam Fest festival, where more than 20 express consultations were held free of charge, based on our tool. Our project was the winner in the nomination “Best Business Incubation Project of the University of Turan”.


However, the LabPro project is not limited to the implementation of the test. It also includes the establishment of a vocational education centre, which will work in close cooperation with educational institutions and advisory services. LabPro offers educational institutions to integrate the test results into their admissions programmes. This will help institutions to attract the students most suited to their programmes. The Centre will provide personalized support and guidance to high school students, helping them make informed choices.


The LabPro project provides significant advantages for professional orientation in Kazakhstan and has a positive impact on society as a whole:


  • provides each individual analysis and recommendations based on their interests, skills and potential. This allows young people in Kazakhstan to make informed decisions about their future professional careers, which minimizes the likelihood of mistakes in the choice of a profession;
  • helps educational institutions in Kazakstan to attract and develop students that are most suitable for specific educational programmes. This is important for strengthening the country’s personnel reserve and the formation of highly qualified professionals;
  • helps them to choose professions that meet the needs of the market. This can reduce unemployment and ensure better integration of graduates into the labour market;
  • professionals choosing careers that match their skills and interests are more successful in their profession, which has a positive impact on the economy;
  • helps young people to understand themselves and their values better. This contributes to the development of more self-conscious and self-confident citizens, which affects the overall well-being;
  • by free distribution of our authorship test to determine the most suitable career path, LabPro helps reduce social barriers and promotes more equal access to education and opportunities.


Thus, the LabPro project plays an important role in improving the quality of vocational orientation in Kazakhstan, which ultimately leads to positive changes in society.


Contacts: +77057016042 Gulzira, e-mail:

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