Transfers and recovery

The regulations on the procedure for transferring and reinstating students at “Turan” University were developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 “On Education” (as amended) and other legal acts in the field of education.

The Regulation defines the procedure for transferring and reinstating students at the University of “Turan”.

  1. General provisions

1.1. Transfer of students to “Turan” University to the appropriate forms of education and specialties is made from other higher educational institutions that have passed the state certification or accreditation in accordance with the established procedure, during the holidays. Students with academic performance for the entire period of study, whose average score is at least 2.33 have the priority right to transfer.

1.2. Transfer of students from one form of study to another, from one educational program to another within the university is carried out during the holidays in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education.

1.3. Applications of full-time students for transfer and reinstatement are considered by the rector of the University during the summer and winter holidays within five working days before the beginning of the next academic period.

1.4. When transferring or reinstating students, the academic difference in the disciplines of the working curricula studied by them in previous academic periods is determined.

1.5. The academic difference in the disciplines of the working curricula is determined by the university on the basis of the list of subjects studied, their programs and the number of academic hours or credits reflected in the transcript, or a certificate issued to persons who have not completed their education (hereinafter referred to as the certificate).

1.6. When transferring or reinstating a student from a foreign educational organization, the following documents are submitted:

  • Document of completed education programs (academic certificate or transcript);
  • A document on completion of the previous level of education, which undergoes the procedure of nostrification in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Rules for the recognition and nostrification of educational documents approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 10, 2008 No. 8, registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 5135;
  • Results of entrance tests for admission to foreign educational organizations
  • A license for the implementation of educational activities of a foreign educational organization from which the transferring is carried out
  • Certificate of accreditation of the foreign educational organization from which the transferring is carried out

1.7. To eliminate the academic difference in the disciplines of the working curriculum, the student is enrolled to these disciplines, attends all types of study sessions during the academic period, passes all types of current control, and receives admission to the final control.

If the academic difference subjects are not included in the curriculum of the current academic period, the student is enrolled to them in the summer semester.

The order and terms of elimination of academic differences in the disciplines of the curricula are issued by the order of the Dean of the faculty for the current academic year and are included in the individual curriculum of the student.

1.8. The academic difference in the disciplines of the working curriculum, which is not eliminated within the established period, is further considered as academic debt.

  1. Transfer and restoration of students to the University of “Turan”

2.1. Students of higher educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as the University) may be transferred or reinstated after graduation, to “Turan” University, if they have fully completed the first academic period of the program being mastered according to the individual curriculum.

A student on a paid basis who was expelled for non-payment of the tuition fee, in the case of repayment of this debt, is restored within four weeks from the date of expulsion.

At the same time, the student can be transferred or restored to any form of study, to any educational program, regardless of the terms of deduction during the restoration in accordance with the procedure established by the authorized body in the field of education.

2.2. Transfer of a student from one educational program to another, from one form of study to another, is carried out only for education on a paid basis.

2.3. When transferring or restoring students, the course of their further education is determined taking into account the prerequisites. At the same time, the university determines the list of prerequisites required for passing in the current academic year.

2.4. The transfer of mastered credits is carried out on the basis of a comparison of educational programs, the content of the list of mastered disciplines, their volumes, acquired knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies, as well as the results of study.

2.5. The difference in the forms of final control is not taken into account when transferring the completed credits for academic disciplines.

Credit is equated to the letter system of assessment of educational achievements of the student, corresponding to the digital equivalent of the four-point system in the range from the minimum D (1.0; 50-54%) to the maximum A (4.0; 95-100%), according to the Rules of the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education, approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 No. 152, registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 6976.

2.6. Transfer of students from course to course is carried out according to the results of the academic year (midterm attestations), taking into account the results of the summer semester and the average academic performance score (GPA). A prerequisite for transferring a student from one course to another is the achievement of the established passing GPA score (for the 2nd year – not less than 1.8; for the 3rd year – not less than 1.8; for the 4th year – not less than 1.9; for the 5th year – not less than 2.3). Students, who are transferred to the next course of study, if there is an academic debt, must re-study the relevant disciplines only on a paid basis. Students who do not meet the requirements of the individual curriculum and do not score the established passing GPA score, remain for a second course of study.

2.7. The transfer of the student from one course to another is made out by the order of the rector.

2.8. When transferring a student on a paid basis, a contract is concluded between him and the University of “Turan”.

2.9. The transfer of a student on a paid basis from one educational program and form of study to another within the university is followed by making appropriate changes to the contract and is issued by the order of the head of the university.

2.10. The procedure for transferring a student to the University of “Turan” from other universities is carried out in the following order:

1) a student who wants to transfer to a university submits an application for transfer to the head of the university where he / she is studying, and having received a sealed written consent for the transfer, addresses the rector of the University “Turan”;

2) the application for transfer to the name of the rector of “Turan” University must be accompanied by copies of the transcript signed by the office registrar, the results of the entrance exams, the application addressed to the head of the university where he\she studied (with the signature of the head and the seal);

3) the dean of the faculty, on the basis of the submitted documents, determines the difference of disciplines in the curricula and, in accordance with the mastered prerequisites, sets the course of study, recalculates the mastered credits in accordance with the educational program and approves the individual curriculum of the student in agreement with the Registrar’s Office;

4) in accordance with the visas of the dean of the faculty, the director of the department for academic affairs, the vice-rector for academic activities (bachelor’s, master’s), the vice-rector for external relations and doctoral studies, the rector issues an order for the transfer of the student;

5) the student’s personal file must contain the results of the entrance tests.

2.11. The rector of “Turan” University within three working days from the date of the issued order sends a written request to the university where the student previously studied, about the transfer of his personal file. The request is accompanied by a copy of the order to enroll the student by transfer.

2.12. The head of the university where the student previously studied, after receiving such a request, issues an order for expulsion with the wording “expelled in connection with the transfer to “Turan” University” and within three working days from the date of issuing the order for expulsion, sends the student’s personal file to the address of the host university.

Copies and an inventory of the documents sent remain at the university where the student studied.

2.13. The procedure for transferring a student from one form of study to another, from one educational program to another within the university is carried out in the following order:

1) the student submits an application for transfer to the rector of the university. A copy of the transcript issued by the Registrar’s Office is attached to the transfer request;

2) the dean of the faculty, on the basis of the submitted documents, determines the difference of disciplines in the curricula and, in accordance with the mastered prerequisites, sets the course of study, recalculates the mastered credits in accordance with the educational program and approves the individual curriculum of the student in agreement with the Registrar’s Office;

4) in accordance with the visas of the dean of the faculty, the director of the department for academic affairs, the vice-rector for academic activities (bachelor’s, master’s), the vice-rector for external relations and doctoral studies, the rector within 3 working days issues an order for the transfer of the student.

2.14. Restoration to the number of students and elimination of the difference of disciplines in the curricula is carried out only on a paid basis.

2.15. The procedure for reinstatement to the University of “Turan” is carried out in the following order:

1) the student submits an application for reinstatement to the rector of the university. A Certificate/ Transcript (original) is attached to the application for restoration;

2) the dean of the faculty, on the basis of the submitted certificate/ transcript, determines the difference in the disciplines of the curricula and, in accordance with the mastered prerequisites, sets the course of study, recalculates the mastered credits in accordance with the educational program and approves the individual curriculum of the student in agreement with the Registrar’s office;

3) in accordance with the visas of the dean of the faculty, the director of the department for academic affairs, the vice-rector for academic activities (bachelor’s, master’s), the vice-rector for external relations and doctoral studies, the rector issues an order for the restoration of the student.

2.16. If the student is restored to another educational organization, the rector of “Turan” University, on the basis of a written request from the host party, sends the student’s personal file, leaving a copy of the Certificate, the study card, and an inventory of the documents sent.

Regulations on the order of transfer, recovery and expulsion of students at «Turan» University
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