Research Department

The main purpose of the scientific activity of the University is to organize and conduct fundamental, applied and exploratory research; to use the results obtained in the educational process; to conduct research and development for legal entities and individuals on the basis of civil law contracts.


Research work at Turan University is carried out by the teaching staff, heads of structural divisions in accordance with long-term plans; doctoral students and undergraduates-in accordance with individual plans for their training; students – in the course of course, diploma projects, other educational and research works provided for by the university’s curricula, in student scientific circles and other organizations of student scientific creativity.

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education» The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Science» О некоторых вопросах Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан Об утверждении Концепции развития высшего образования и науки в Республике Казахстан на 2023 – 2029 годы Об утверждении положения Комитета науки Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан Об утверждении правил аккредитации субъектов научной и (или) научно-технической деятельности Об утверждении Правил государственного учета научных, научно-технических проектов и программ, финансируемых из государственного бюджета, и отчетов по их выполнению Об утверждении норм базового финансирования научной и (или) научно-технической деятельности Об утверждении Методики по формированию показателей статистики научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ и инноваций Об определении акционерного общества «Фонд науки» юридическим лицом, осуществляющим финансирование коммерциализации результатов научной и (или) научно-технической деятельности Об утверждении перечня и положения о национальных научных советах Об утверждении состава национальных научных советов Об утверждении Правил присуждения ученых степеней Об утверждении Правил присвоения ученых званий (ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор) Об утверждении правил присуждения премий в области науки, государственных научных стипендий Об утверждении Правил отбора претендентов для участия в стипендиальных программах Об утверждении размеров премий в области науки и государственных научных стипендий и требований к оформлению конкурсных материалов Об утверждении требований к научным изданиям для включения их в перечень изданий, рекомендуемых для публикации результатов научной деятельности О государственных премиях Республики Казахстан в области науки и техники имени аль-Фараби, гуманитарных наук имени А. Байтурсынулы и литературы и искусства имени Абая Об утверждении правил отбора претендентов и прохождения научных стажировок Об утверждении Правил организации и осуществления учебно-методической и научно-методической работы в организациях образования On approval of state compulsory educational standards for all levels of education On approval of state compulsory educational standards for all levels of education On approval of the Rules for accreditation of subjects of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activity On copyright and the related rights On approval of the Rules for awarding degrees Best Researcher Положения о конкурсе «Лучший преподаватель вуза» ИНСТРУКЦИЯ по Авторскому праву и Патенту

The round table “The cultural and historical heritage of Zoroastrianism in the context of the evolution of the peoples of the Eurasian continent”

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Round table “Problems and prospects of human capital formation in the context of demographic growth”

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Round table “Business, Government and education: innovations in action”

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Round table “Perspective niches of the automotive chemicals market in Kazakhstan: opportunities and threats”

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Expert session “Problems of measuring professional competencies of IT specialists”

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Briefing dedicated to the opening of the branch of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the expansion of scientific and innovative cooperation

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Briefing dedicated to the opening of the joint research R&D laboratory of artificial Intelligence and robotics 20.01.2023

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«Национальная инновационная система Казахстана: Перспективы развития и механизмы взаимодействия 28.11»

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International scientific and practical forum “Global Changes: Challenges of Science and education”, October 6-7, 2022

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Round table “Dialectics of science, education and economics: New challenges and realities”

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Международная конференция Turan Module of United Nations 2021 (TURAN MUN 2021)

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«Карьерный интенсив 2021» от Корпоративного университета «Самрук-Казына»

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Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные вызовы и преобразование экономики»

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The purpose of post-doctorate studies is to attract talented young scientists to the University on a competitive basis to conduct advanced scientific research on scientific topics and projects aimed at integrating education and science with production.


  1. Regulations on the post-doctoral studies of the University “Turan”
  2. Post-doctorate studies program of the University “Turan”
Postdoctoral fellows of “Turan” University
Закирова Д.И._О реализации проекта_AP13268867_Цифровая революция в вузах Казахстана вызовы, реалии, перспективы_2023 Кашаганова Г.Б._о реализации проекта_AP14972921_«Исследование и разработка волоконного датчика для мониторинга состояния дорожных покрытий»_2023 год Асылтаева Э.Б._о реализации проекта_AP15473374_«Особенности формирования гражданской идентичности казахстанцев в условиях российско-украинского конфликта»_2023 год Юсупова С.Ш._о реализации проекта_AP15473463_«Культурная эмпатия и социальная ответственность женщин и мужчин Казахстана»_2023 год Ералина Э.М._О реализации проекта_AP13268610_«Исследования рынка труда Республики Казахстан в условиях трансформации экономики»_2023 Шакеева Б.Р._О реализации проекта_AP19174912_«Идентификационные аспекты интеграции кандасов в казахстанское общество»_2023 Ералина Э.М._О реализации проекта_AP13268610 «Исследования рынка труда Республики Казахстан в условиях трансформации экономики» Закирова Д.И._О реализации проекта_AP13268867_Цифровая революция в вузах Казахстана вызовы, реалии, перспективы Кашаганова Г.Б._О реализации проекта_AP14972921 «Исследование и разработка волоконного датчика для мониторинга состояния дорожных покрытий» Асылтаева Э.Б._о реализации проекта AP15473374 - «Особенности формирования гражданской идентичности казахстанцев в условиях российско-украинского конфликта» Юсупова С.Ш._ о реализации проекта AP15473463 «Культурная эмпатия и социальная ответственность женщин и мужчин Казахстана»

He has been involved in the EU projects in the areas of education and social policy planning. He has in-depth understanding of and working experience in qualitative analysis, research methodologies, programming, monitoring and evaluation. He has been serving as the CEO of OpenED Network.  He holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction (Social Studies Education), as well as a minor in Comparative and International Education, from the Pennsylvania State University. He also holds a Master of Education degree from University of Missouri, Columbia in USA & BA degree in history from Hacettepe University in Turkey. Dr. Tarman has numerous publications and presentations to his credit. Dr. Tarman has more than 15 years of management and team leading experience in the field of education with internationally funded projects. Dr. Tarman is also Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Social Studies Education Research ( & Research in Social Sciences and Technology ( His research interests include, Social Studies EducationTeacher EducationInnovation in EducationCitizenship and Human Rights EducationGlobalizing EducationCurriculum DevelopmentGender Issues in Education; ICT in Education; and Multiculturalism in Education. Dr. Tarman has authored several peer-reviewed journal articles related to entrepreneurship, curriculum and instruction which have been featured in journals. Dr. Tarman has more than 100 scholarly activities are published in books, peer-reviewed research articles, conference proceedings, and keynote speeches in the field of education.

Materials of the International scientific and practical conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists “InnoTech Connect: Connecting ideas and technologies” April 12 2024

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Materials of the International Conference “Eurasian Economy in the Period of Global Turbulence” and Round Table on “Problems and Prospects of Human Capital Formation in Kazakhstan in the Conditions of Demographic Growth” 

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Materials of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Logistics of the Great Steppe”

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Materials of the International scientific-practical forum “Science, education and innovations in the conditions of transformation processes of society”

March 29 – April 7, 2023

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Global changes: challenges of science and education

Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Forum dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Turan University, October 6-7, 2022

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Collection of the International Practical Conference “Digital Technologies and Innovative Methods in Marketing” 2023

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Round table “Presentation of the book by Professor Kalenova Saulesh Abdrazakhovna “Medical tourism”

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International scientific and practical forum «Global changes: challengesof science and education»

dedicated to the 30 th anniversary of Turan University

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International round table “Dialectics of Science, Education and Economics: Challenges and realities”

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Science, technology, education: New challenges

Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Forum «Zhas Turan–2022»

April 11-22 , 2022

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Круглый стол «Диверсификация экономики: новая модель роста»


Диверсификация экономики – сложный неоднозначный процесс, различные социально-экономические процессы и регионы имеют свой предел диверсификации, превышение которого может вести к росту издержек, снижению эффективности производства, поэтому определение ее оптимального уровня и является одной из актуальных задач новой экономики. Целью круглого стола является выработка методологических подходов и поиск новых моделей роста по диверсификации экономики Казахстана.


25 февраля 2022 года


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Современные тенденции развития индустрии туризма и гостеприимства

Материалы международной научно-практической конференции Современные тенденции развития индустрии туризма и гостеприимства Туран

2 февраля 2022 года


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В связи с развитием инновационных технологий весьма актуальным является вопрос криптовалюты и ее денежной сущности как элемента новой цифровой экономики. Цель круглого стола: выработка методологических подходов и рекомендаций для финансового рынка криптовалюты и блокчейна по упреждению рисков, влияющих на макроэкономическую устойчивость страны.


10 декабря 2021 года


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Материалы III Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых «Жас Тұран-2021»

21 апреля 2021 г.

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“Cryptocurrency and blockchain: international experience and realities of Kazakhstan”

December 10, 2021

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Resolution of the round table on the topic “Cryptocurrency and blockchain: international experience and realities of Kazakhstan”


Resolution of the round table on the topic “Cryptocurrency and blockchain: international experience and realities of Kazakhstan”. The resolution was sent to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of National Economy, the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development, the Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Open a resolution



«Экономика Казахстана за 30 лет: Этапы развития и созидания»

Материалы международной научно-практической конференции

5 октября 2021 г.


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Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference

“Innovative and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life”

December 4, 2020


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Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference

“Innovative and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life”

November 22, 2019


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Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference of young scientists “ZHAS TURAN-2019”

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Materials of the II Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “ZHAS TURAN-2020”

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Materials of the III Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “ZHAS TURAN-2021”

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Materials of the international scientific and practical conference

“Innovative and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life”

December 12, 2018


Download conference materials part 1 Download conference materials part 2 Download conference materials part 3
Purpose and objectives

The purpose of the NIS is to increase the efficiency of research and innovation activities of the University, to promote the integration of the achievements of research scientists into the international scientific community, to promote innovation for the development of regions, to support the commercialization of the results of innovative activities.




  • improving the quality of long-term planning and selection of topics for research and development (R&D) and development work (R&D);
  • coordination of the scientific activities of the structural units of the university;
  • executors of projects and programs of fundamental and applied research in priority areas of science and technology development;
  • development of links between university science and production, innovation, coordination and actualization of the focus of research on solving the tasks of training highly qualified specialists, more effective use of the scientific potential of the university;
  • increasing the importance and quantity of high-quality, relevant research;
  • promotion of technology commercialization ideas;
  • stimulating the effective use of world knowledge and practices in the educational process;
  • preparation of recommendations on the feasibility and economic efficiency of opening research centers, laboratories or other structures (enterprises) at the university;
  • preparation of recommendations for the Academic Council of the University on participation in state, international and other (departmental) competitions; nomination of candidates for awarding state scholarships and prizes in the field of science and innovation.
Regulations on the Scientific and Innovation Council Science and Innovation Council Plan for 2024

The Council of Young Scientists is a consultative and advisory working body that coordinates the scientific activities of young scientists and specialists working at the university.


The purpose of the Council of Young Scientists is to activate the professional growth of young scientists of the university, unite their efforts to develop topical scientific problems and solve priority scientific tasks, as well as the development of innovative activities of young scientists.


The Council of Young Scientists solves the following tasks:


  • promoting the professional growth of scientific youth, the development of scientific initiatives and the consolidation of young scientific personnel at faculties;
  • promoting the dissemination and implementation of research results of young scientists and specialists;
  • participation in the maintenance of scientific continuity, preservation of scientific schools and directions;
  • information support for scientific youth (providing information about vacancies, funds, grants, conferences, schools and other events to support scientific youth);
  • encouragement of active representatives of scientific youth;
  • interaction with innovative and innovative organizations;
  • organization of the promotion of scientific knowledge.


Composition of the Council of Young Scientists
Research Work Of Students

The purpose of the Research and Development program is to increase the level of training of students through the development of the basics of professional and creative activity, methods, techniques and skills of performing scientific research, the development of abilities for scientific creativity, independence, initiative in studies and future life.


Tasks of the Research institute:


  • formation of the necessary general cultural and professional competencies through the deepening of knowledge, skills, skills and experience of research activities;
  • increasing the mass and effectiveness of students’ participation in organizational forms and events of research and development, developing the activity of scientific and pedagogical workers in the management of scientific research and innovative projects of students;
  • development of the ability of future specialists to master and use scientific knowledge, the ability to conduct scientifically based professional work, the ability to improve skills and retraining, continuous self-education and self-improvement;
  • creation of prerequisites for the education and self-realization of personal and creative abilities of students;
  • assistance in the development of professional selection of students, reproduction of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.


To organize the scientific work of students at each department, there are circles and clubs.


Scientific associations of students


  • Club «Lawyer»
  • Club «Sezim»
  • Club «Diplomat»
  • Club «Publicist», Translating and interpreting skills
  • Club «Tourist»
  • Club «Financier»
  • Club «Accountant-auditor»
  • Club «Economist»
  • Club «Modern manager»
  • Club «Network technologies»
  • Club «Marketer», «Logistician».
  • Photo club «Medeo», intellectual club «Turan», academic theatre «Turan»
  • Club «Innovative educational technologies»
  • Student design bureau

Throughout the history of the university, the republican scientific-practical conference “Zhas-Turan” is held every year, in which young teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students from different universities of Kazakhstan take part.


Turan University provides an opportunity for students to participate in international youth activities aimed at developing professional and analytical skills. Within the framework of such events, the Model UN conference and the ENACTUS program function.


More than 200 students became winners at conferences, olympiads in Kazakhstan, CIS countries and far abroad.


Such approaches ensured the inclusion of 100% of students in the students’ research activities (publications, participation in conferences and scientific competitions, development of scientific projects, writing term papers, theses, dissertations, etc.).


Priority directions of students' research work for 2024

The purpose of the Еthical committee of science and innovation is to monitor the observance of the rights of people involved as participants in the study and to consider ethical issues related to the study.




  • conducting an independent ethical examination of research materials with the participation of people as objects of research;
  • providing training for members of the ethics committee on ethical expertise;
  • development of standards of ethical expertise and implementation of these standards in practice;
  • improvement of the methodology of ethical examination of research within the framework of scientific works.
Composition of the ETHICS COMMITTEE FOR SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Code of Ethics for Science and Innovation
NEWSLETTER The Best Scientist of 2024 The position of the research work of the undergraduate Информационное письмо XVI РСПО ОП Финансы РСПО ОП Логистика РСПО ОП Операторское исскуство НИРМ ОП ИС НИРМ ОП Туризм НИРС, НИРМ ОП Менеджмент 2024 RESULTS OF THE II STAGE XV OF THE REPUBLICAN STUDENT SUBJECT OLYMPIAD ON THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM WORLD ECONOMY RESULTS OF THE II STAGE OF THE REPUBLICAN CONTEST OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORKS OF STUDENTS 2023 RESULTS OF THE II STAGE OF THE REPUBLICAN CONTEST OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORKS OF STUDENTS 2023 Results of the XV Republican Student Subject Olympiad 2023 According to the educational program «Cinematography» Results of the second round of the Republican Contest of scientific research works 2023 on the educational program «6B11102 – Restaurant business and hotel business» Results of the II-stage of the Republican Contest NIRS 2023 according to the educational program «Accounting and audit» Results of the II-round of the Republican competition NIRS 2023 on the educational program «Information systems» XV Republican Student Olympiad (RSPO) on the educational program World Economy 2023 XV Republican Student Olympiad (RSPO) on the educational program Cameraing art 2023 Competition of research works on the educational program State and local government 2023 Competition of research works on the educational program Information Systems 2023 Competition of research works on the educational program Restaurant and hotel business 2023 Competition of research works on the educational program Accounting and auditing 2023 Requirements for applicants for a scientific internship abroad Newsletters on Turan Next Generation 2023 Tender documentation for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025 Tender documentation for grant financing of young scientists on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025 Конкурс на программно-целевое финансирование по научным и (или) научно-техническим программам на 2022-2023 годы (МОН РК) Конкурс на программно-целевое финансирование по научным и (или) научно-техническим программам на 2022-2024 годы (МСК РК) Конкурс на программно-целевое финансирование по научным и (или) научно-техническим программам на 2021-2023 годы в области космической деятельности Конкурс научно-исследовательских работ студентов по специализации_Режиссура_2022 Конкурс научно-исследовательских работ студентов по специализации_Менеджмент_2022 XIV Республиканская студенческая предметная Олимпиада (РСПО)_Финансы XIV Республиканская студенческая предметная Олимпиада (РСПО)_Операторское искусство_2022 XIV Республиканская студенческая предметная Олимпиада (РСПО)_Логистика_2022
Online admissions