On December 24, as part of the ‘Alter Ego’ book club, we held an art therapy with psychologists

On December 24, as part of the ‘Alter Ego’ book club, we held an art therapy with psychologists Zhadra Sekrekova and Dinara Arganchieva. They are PhD doctoral students of the Department of Psychology of our university.


At the art therapy, we worked with metaphorical associative maps, drew a wheel of life balance and received recommendations on how to improve our work-life balance.

Metaphorical cards (MAC) are a deck of pictures with different life situations and characters. Each drawing is an association or a metaphor for thoughts, feelings and experiences.


In working with MAC, the experience of a psychologist, including his life experience, plays an important role.


The wheel of life balance is a technique that helps you understand what you want to change in your life.


This is a circle divided into several sectors. Each sector is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. In the classic version, there are 8 of them: health, family, finances, work, friends, leisure, self-development, study.

But there can be any number of sectors and spheres. Write down everything that takes up your time and that you want to control.


After art therapy, we discussed two books:

«The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat and Other Clinical Tales» by Oliver Sacks

«Flowers for Algernon» by Daniel Keyes.

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