Guest online lecture “The way of development of the Kazakh brand “Bahandi Burger”

The Department of Marketing and Logistics organized a guest online lecture on the topic “The way of development of the Kazakh brand “Bahandi Burger”.


The speaker of the online lecture was Zhagalbaylinov Kuat Bekenovich, Head of the Commerce Department, member of the Board of Directors of Bahandi Company.


The online lecture was held on March 17, 2022 (at 13.00 h.), it was actively attended by students of the specialty “Marketing” and teachers of the University “Turan”. The lecture was organized within the framework of the theme “Brand Design platform 5.2.” in the discipline “Branding Management”.


During his speech, Kuat Bekenovich acquainted the audience with the history of the origin of the Bahandi Burger brand, the key principles of the company’s work, shared his experience of brand management during the crisis and post-crisis periods in Kazakhstan. Zhagalbaylinov Kuat spoke about the reasons for choosing the name “Bahandi Burger”, effective promotional tools and corporate style.


The experience of the company’s attitude to the product, competitors and the measurement of the target audience was quite interesting for the students. The openness of Kuat Bekovich further increased the level of trust in the product and the company, according to the students.

The online lecture was held in an interactive format, a lot of questions were asked by students and teachers.


The organizer of the guest online lecture is Asel Akhatkankyzy Kairova, M.E., Senior lecturer of the Department of Marketing and Logistics at Turan University.

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