Round table on “Financial literacy as a factor in improving the well-being of the population”

On April 20, 2022, Turan University will host a round table on the topic:” financial literacy as a factor in improving the well-being of the population”. Within the framework of the round table, it is planned to consider issues of improving financial, tax, investment and insurance literacy of the population.


Participates in the round table:

  • Yntykbaeva S. K. – head of the Department for improving financial literacy of the Department for consumer protection of financial services of the agency for regulation and development of the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Nurakhmetova I. N. – chief specialist of the Department for improving financial literacy of the Department for consumer protection of financial services of the agency for regulation and development of the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Usenbekova L.E. – Director of Consumer Protection of the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan;
  • Aynabekov B. K.- head of the State Revenue Department of the West Kazakhstan region;
  • Margatsky R. V.- candidate of Economic Sciences, ass.Professor of the Department of Finance of Turan University;
  • Vergel S. S.- deputy director of the Insurance Security Department of JSC IC”Centras insurance”;
  • Karakhanov R. Sh. – expert in the field of project financing and Financial Management, founder of the consulting agency “Pro Consulting”LLP.


The event starts at 15.00


Venue: Almaty, Satpayev STR., 16-A, AUD. White Hall


Connection link


Join the ZOOM conference


Conference ID: 840 3878 6640

Access code: 223227

Coordinator: Selezneva Irina Vladimirovna,.Head of the Department of Finance of Turan University

Online admissions