Results of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Logistics of the Great Steppe”

On April 20, 2022, the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Logistics of the Great Steppe” was held at Turan University, the topic of which was digital modernization in business. The conference was organized by the Department of Marketing and Logistics, and was held in an online/offline format.


The purpose of this event was the formation of a set of solutions aimed at improving logistics processes and contributing to the optimization of resources of organizations in various sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan.


The objectives of the event were to discuss topical issues of logistics and supply chain management and to critically analyze the scientific results obtained by scientists representing various scientific schools in the field of marketing and logistics, economics and management.


Razakova Dina Ibragimovna, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation; Bikteubaeva Aliya Sarmanovna, Dean of the Faculty of Economics; Lukinykh Valery Fedorovich, President of the Siberian Logistics Association, Corresponding member of the Russian Engineering Academy, Head of the Department of Logistics of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, delivered a welcoming speech to the conference participants. Krasnoyarsk, (Russia), Vasily V. Korolev, Director of Transal Freight Company LLP (Kazakhstan).


Lukinykh Valery Fedorovich presented a network model of food supply chains for state and municipal needs; Korolev Vasily Valentinovich highlighted the issues of supply chain management in logistics training.


The participants of the conference also included:


  • Sergey Alexandrovich Bykadorov – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Siberian State University of Railways. Novosibirsk, Russia with a presentation of transport and investment projects of the East of Russia;
  • Kegenbekov Zhandos Kadyrkhanovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kazakh-German University, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, who presented a report on the topic: “DKU Logistics Innovation Hub: opportunities for partners”;
  • Kurenkov Pyotr Vladimirovich – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)). Moscow, Russia with a report on the topic “Separate points of vacuum magneto-levitation transport”:
  • Andrey Khalov – Director of the branding company “Royal Cousteau”, an expert on packaging design and brand strategy, who presented information about streaming processing and comparison of data from different sources:
  • Pavel Grigoryevich Shuvalov – Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. Krasnoyarsk, Russia, with a presentation of a methodological approach to the formation of the logistics infrastructure of mesosystems;
  • Madina Gozhakhmetova – Master’s student of the Academy of Civil Aviation with a presentation of innovative technologies in the organization of air cargo transportation;
  • Toyymbetova Saltanat – a student of Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, who spoke about intelligent transport systems;
  • Aidana Tursynbekova is a student of Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan with a presentation of digital technologies in the field of logistics.

The information presented by the speakers aroused the keen interest of the audience, each speech was accompanied by an active discussion.

A collection of materials will be released at the end of the conference.

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