Turan University invites Mrs. Chandra Mallik to an open lecture “Yoga – a way of life”!

Time: February 8, 11.00 – 12.30


Venue: 207 audience.


Registration by phone: +7 777 223 17 29, +7 705 674 98 17




The open lecture will be held in collaboration of the Psychology Department with the Center for Indian Classical Dance and Yoga. The director of the center is Kainazarova Akmaral.


The lecturer is a guest from India, Mrs. Chandra Mallik, who trained in yoga in the eastern Indian tradition of Yogindra Bishnu Ghosh. With a rich 35 years of experience teaching yoga, specialising in therapy and nutrition, she studied the psychology and philosophy of Samkhya through the practice of Raja yoga. Chandra Mallik teaches various meditation techniques to reduce stress and increase feelings of inner peace.


The open lecture is aimed at getting acquainted with the rich ancient Indian culture, presenting the best yoga traditions for health, spiritual and educational purposes.


Both students of different faculties and teachers can take part in the lecture!

Online admissions