International conference “Turan Model of United Nations 2023”

The Department of Regional Studies and International Relations of Turan University held the annual International Conference “Turan Model of United Nations 2023” (TURAN MUN 2023) dedicated to discuss key issues of world politics in April 21-22, 2023. The conference is held in a similar format to the meetings of UN committees.


At the opening of the conference participated: Alshanov R.A., rector of the Turan University; Michaela Friberg-Storey, UN Resident Coordinator for Kazakhstan; Vlastimil Samek, Representative of the UN Department of Global Communications in Kazakhstan; Bulegenov B.E., head of the representative office of the MFA of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty; Justin Rashid, Security Adviser, UN Department of Safety and Security in Kazakhstan; Jiang Wei, Consul General of the PRC; Józef Tymanowski, Consul General of Poland; Emre Karabatak, Vice Consul of Turkiye in Almaty; Mohsen Fagani, Consul General of the IRI; Meldekhanov M.A., General Director of the social movement “Red Crescent of Kazakhstan”.


During the grand opening part of the TURAN MUN 2023 conference, the students presented a concert program that included songs and dance on the theme “War and Peace”. Also, students who have repeatedly participated in “Model UN” shared their experience.


Conference participants chose positional roles in three committees: General Assembly (GA); Security Council (SC); UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). The purpose of each committee is to find consensus and adopt a resolution on the issue under discussion.


The event “Model UN” was attended by about 300 people, among them students from the University of Suleiman Demirel, Kazakh Ablai Khan UIR&W, KazNU named after al-Farabi, UIB, AlmaU, Narxoz, KNWTTU, Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations and others, as well as schoolchildren of grades 9-11 from different cities. At the closing ceremony of the international conference “TURAN MUN 2023”, the organizers from the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations, presented certificates and awarded memorable gifts to the winners, participants and delegates.

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