Grant Project ауқымды конкурсының нәтижелері

Friends, our largest competition – Grant Project – has come to an end!


  • Over 3,000 participants from all over Kazakhstan
  • Three stages of participation
  • Coordinators consultations during 8 months


We would like to express our gratitude to all participants for your brave decision to test your abilities and take part in our competition!


And of course, we would like to congratulate our winners and wish you to always remain ambitious, active, determined, energetic, talented, and well-rounded!


In connection with this, we invite you to the exciting “Tiger Fest” party, where the winners will be ceremoniously awarded certificates.


The headline performer of the event is the Alpha band. The program includes:


  • Contests and dances from student organizations
  • Commemorative gifts from our university


See you on June 7th, starting at 15:00!


The decision of the competition committee on the distribution of internal educational grants based on the results of the “Grant Project” competition for the bachelor’s degree program for the 2023 enrollment year.


The following winners have been awarded grants based on the results of the internal competition:


1st place, full period of study:


  1. Жұмағали Әдемі
  2. Канатбек Абай Аканулы
  3. Қанат Мәдина Қанатқызы
  4. Кирсанова Алёна Владиславовна
  5. Шакалова Анастасия Николаевна
  6. Сейшонло Лейла Башировна
  7. Байгараева Адель Руслановна


2nd place, 2 years of free tuition:


  1. Жаксым Аружан Ергаликызы
  2. Жартекей Амира Бейбутқызы
  3. Абдылдаева Дарина Раджановна
  4. Избасова Аяна Аскаркызы
  5. Персиянов Иван Юрьевич
  6. Степанов Арсений Сергеевич
  7. Мухажанова Адия Ерлановна
  8. Гожалимова Жасмина Таировна
  9. Вопилов Владислав Сергеевич
  10. Нурахметова Жасмин Бахтияровна
  11. Жарылкаганова Камажай
  12. Турдиева Камилла Тахировна
  13. Резник Надежда Олеговна


3rd place, 1 year of free tuition:


  1. Сайфаров Андрей Евгеньевич
  2. Шалбаева Томирис Тахировна
  3. Ауезханов Жанас Негметович
  4. Хен Артур Дмитриевич
  5. Абдрахманова Азиза Азизжановна
  6. Нурганатова Алия
  7. Болатұлы Динмухамед
  8. Галимова Аглия Фаридовна
  9. Егізбаева Нұрай Нұрлыбекқызы
  10. Дербисова Диана Мухтаровна
  11. Сим Дарья Михайловна
  12. Ақтан Әділет Бейбітұлы
  13. Блинов Артур Александрович
  14. Цой Екатерина Вадимовна
  15. Бағдатқызы Диана
  16. Есенов Диас Ерланович
  17. Турсынжанова Рамиля Турганжановна
  18. Сыдихова Зауреш Нұрбулатқызы
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