II Finathlon Case Championship

OP Finance announces the successful completion of the II Finathlon case championship among college students in Almaty! The event was held on April 12, 2024 and gathered many talented participants who demonstrated their skills in solving complex business cases.


More than 25 teams from various colleges of the city took part in the qualifying round of the championship, 12 teams were selected in the second round. The participants competed in knowledge of financial literacy, speed of thinking and creativity, offering innovative solutions for real business cases.


The following places were awarded by the decision of the competent jury:


1st place – Adilet College “Adilet” team;

2nd place – International College of Business and Communications Brainstorm team and Turan University College Profit Prophets team;

3rd place – College of the Caspian University team “Senim”, Almaty College of Economics team “MeiırıM” College of the University “Turan” team “Los Financieros Solidas”.


All participants are awarded with certificates and prizes.


The Finathlon Championship has confirmed its reputation as an excellent platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between college students.


Turan University expresses its gratitude for the participation and support:


  • colleges (Almaty State Business College, UIB Multidisciplinary College, Eurasian College of Technology and Economics, International College of Business and Communications, College of Caspian University, Almaty College of Economics, College of Turan University);
  • financial sector companies (Eurasian Bank JSC, Otbasy Bank JSC, KMF Demeu Corporate Fund, Eurasian Association of Investment and Financial Consultants and Finagers Educational Agency);
  • General Partner – to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market for the joint implementation of the financial literacy program.


We are looking forward to the next championship and hope to see even more talented participants!

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