Congratulations to the winners of the II stage of the annual Republican competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions

Congratulations to the winners of the II stage of the annual Republican competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions under the educational program “Economics”!

This year the competition was held on the basis of the University “Turan”. The main goals and objectives of the competition are:

1) stimulating research and educational and cognitive activities of students;

2) selection and support of the most talented and gifted students;

3) assistance in the formation of the intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Diploma of the I degree

  1. Galichanskaya Marina Sergeevna, JSC “Zhezkazgan University named after O. A. Baikonurov”, scientific work on the topic “Economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment at the enterprise”

Scientific supervisor: Gulim Kabikenovna Ukibayeva-PhD, Senior Lecturer

Diploma of the II degree

  1. Diana A. Rusakova, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, scientific work on the topic: Prospects for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Nur-Sultan in the conditions of crisis (pandemic)

Scientific supervisor: Madina Orazovna Ryspekova, Candidate of Economics, Acting Professor

  1. Rejepov Zhakhanbek Arkenuly, Institution “Turan University”, scientific work on the topic “Kazakhstan Republikasynda startup zhobalardy kalyptastyru, damytu zhane iske asyru”

Scientific supervisor: Irkitbaeva Asel Bakytkyzy, senior lecturer

Diploma of the III degree

  1. Amangalieva Anargul Amanzholkyzy, NAO “Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov”, scientific work on the topic “Pandemic zhagdayynda zhastar zhumyssyzdygyn tomendetude shagyn kasipkerlikti damytu”

Scientific supervisors: Sabirova Rysty Kuandykovna, Candidate of Economics, assoc.professor, Zhanargul Korganyshkyzy Bisembieva, Senior Lecturer


  1. Yeryukoglu Saliha Nurievna, Ergeshbaeva Akmaral Abdusabyrkyzy, Kamenskikh Viktor Andreevich, Eurasian Technological University, scientific work on the topic “Evaluation of the results of the efficiency of the enterprise based on a regression model” (on the example of JSC “RAKHAT”) “

Scientific supervisors: Beimbetova Aigul Estemesovna-Candidate of Economics, assoc.professor, Azamat Serikovich Nurgozhaev-Teacher

Online admissions